How to ship air cargo?


With the continuous development of global trade, air cargo has become an indispensable part of modern logistics. Knowing how to ship air cargo correctly is essential to ensure that the goods arrive at the destination safely and on time. This article will introduce how to ship air cargo and explore the process and precautions of air cargo transportation.

ship air cargo

How to ship air cargo?

Air cargo is a complex task that generally requires 8 steps to complete.

Here is a guide to the process of air cargo:

1. Booking: First, you need to contact the airline or logistics agent to book the air transportation service of the goods. During the booking process, you need to provide detailed information about the goods, including weight, size, destination, etc.

2. Cargo loading and unloading at the origin: The goods need to be transported from the origin to the airport, and then the freight forwarder or airline is responsible for loading and unloading the goods.

3. Customs clearance and inspection: After the cargo loading and unloading arrives at the airport, customs clearance and security inspection are required. These procedures ensure that the goods comply with international trade regulations and safety standards.

4. Delivery to the origin airport: After customs clearance and inspection are completed, the goods will be delivered to the origin airport and prepared to be loaded onto the aircraft.

5. Loading onto the aircraft: The cargo will be loaded onto the booked flight and securely secured in the aircraft cargo hold to ensure that it will not be damaged during the flight.

6. Cargo movement: Once the plane takes off, the cargo will fly to the destination with the flight. During the flight, the airline will monitor the transportation of the cargo and ensure that it is delivered on time.

7. Unloading at the destination airport: After the plane arrives at the destination airport, the cargo will be unloaded and handed over to the freight forwarder or consignee at the destination.

8. Final delivery: Finally, the cargo will be finally delivered by the freight forwarder or consignee, completing the entire transportation process.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of air cargo?

As a fast and efficient mode of transportation, air cargo has many advantages, but there are also some disadvantages:

Advantages of air cargo:

Fast: Air cargo can usually reach its destination in a shorter time, especially for urgent goods or goods with high timeliness requirements.

Global coverage: The aviation network covers the world and can reach many remote areas, providing convenience for global trade.

Safe and reliable: Airlines usually have strict safety standards and monitoring measures to ensure the safe transportation of goods.

Disadvantages of air cargo:

High cost: The cost of air cargo is usually high, especially for bulk goods or long-distance transportation.

Flight delays or cancellations: Flight delays or cancellations may cause delays in cargo and affect the stability of the supply chain.

Environmental impact: Air transportation has a large impact on the environment, including carbon emissions and noise pollution.

air cargo

How to choose the right air cargo service?

Choosing the right air cargo service is the key to ensuring the smooth delivery of goods.

Here are some suggestions for choosing an air cargo service:

1. Service reliability: Choose a reputable and reliable airline or logistics agent to ensure that the goods can reach the destination on time.

2. Freight cost: Compare the freight rates of different airlines and logistics agents, choose a service with reasonable cost, and pay attention to the additional costs that may occur during the transportation of goods, such as fuel surcharges and currency conversion fees.

3. Timeliness requirements: Choose the right service according to the timeliness requirements of the goods. If the goods need to be delivered to the destination as soon as possible, you can choose a fast air freight service.

4. Destination coverage: Make sure the selected service covers the destination, especially for international freight, you need to consider the global network coverage of the airline.

5. Safety and security: Pay attention to the safety record and security measures of the airline or logistics agent, and choose a service that can ensure the safety of your goods.

By carefully considering the above factors and comparing with multiple airlines or logistics agents, you can choose the air cargo service that best suits your needs.


Air cargo is a fast and efficient way to transport goods, suitable for goods that need to be delivered urgently or with high timeliness. It is crucial to choose the right air cargo service, and you need to consider factors such as service reliability, cost, timeliness, destination coverage and safety and security. By carefully choosing, you can ensure that your goods arrive at their destination safely and on time, and ensure the stability and smooth operation of the supply chain.

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