What items are not allowed in air cargo?


As a fast and efficient way of transporting goods, air cargo is widely used. However, in air cargo, there are some items that are prohibited and may pose a threat to flight safety, so they must be strictly controlled.

In this article, we’ll look at what items are prohibited in air cargo and why they are classified as prohibited.

What items are not allowed in air cargo?

Flammable liquids and solids are among the most common prohibited items in air cargo. The reason these items are listed as prohibited is because they can easily ignite, potentially causing a serious fire hazard. Some typical flammable liquids and solids include gasoline, kerosene, propane, gasoline, diesel, crude oil, and fireworks. These items may cause fires during flight and pose a threat to flight safety, so they are strictly prohibited.

In addition to flammable liquids and solids, there are some other types of prohibited items, such as explosives, oxidants, toxic substances, radioactive substances, etc. These items may pose a serious threat to flight safety and must be restricted and controlled during cargo transportation.

In air cargo, the carriage of prohibited items is strictly regulated and controlled. Airlines and relevant management departments have formulated strict regulations and standards to ensure that prohibited items are not carried on board the aircraft and to ensure the safety and stability of flights.

air cargo

Here is specific information on some items that are not allowed:

1. Flammable liquids: Flammable liquids are one of the items strictly prohibited in air cargo. These liquids are flammable and may ignite or explode rapidly when exposed to heat or pressure. Some common flammable liquids include gasoline, kerosene, propane, gasoline, diesel, crude oil, etc.

2. Flammable solids: In addition to flammable liquids, flammable solids are also one of the prohibited items. These solid materials may also rapidly burn or explode when exposed to heat or pressure. Some examples include fireworks, firecrackers, etc.

Why are flammable items not allowed in air cargo?

Flammable items are classified as prohibited items in air cargo because they pose a high fire hazard. During flight, the confined space and high temperature environment of the aircraft may cause flammable items to spontaneously ignite or explode, causing serious fire accidents and posing a serious threat to flight safety.

Aircraft in air cargo usually carry a large amount of cargo. If flammable items are carried, in the event of a fire, it will cause serious danger to the aircraft and passengers. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of air cargo, airlines strictly prohibit the carriage of flammable items and have taken a series of measures to ensure that prohibited items are not carried.

In addition, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and civil aviation regulatory agencies of various countries have promulgated relevant regulations and standards, requiring airlines and freight forwarders to strictly abide by the regulations on prohibited items, thereby ensuring the safety and stability of air cargo.

What are the safety measures for air cargo?

In air cargo, in order to ensure the safety of cargo transportation, airlines and relevant departments have adopted a series of strict safety measures. 

Here are some common air cargo security measures:

1. Cargo inspection: Before being loaded onto the aircraft, all cargo will undergo strict security inspection to ensure that no contraband or dangerous goods are carried.

2. Safety training: Air cargo companies will provide employees with necessary safety training, including identifying dangerous goods, responding to emergencies, etc., to improve employees' safety awareness and response capabilities.

3. Packaging of goods: Packaging of goods is also an important part of ensuring safety. Proper packaging can effectively protect goods and reduce damage and accidents during transportation.

4. Safety facilities: Airlines will be equipped with various safety facilities and equipment, such as fire extinguishers, emergency exit signs, etc., to deal with possible safety incidents.

transporting goods

What is the importance of air cargo security?

The safety of air cargo is crucial to the development of cargo transportation and the aviation industry.

Here’s why air cargo security is important:

1. Ensure the safety of life and property: Air cargo safety is an important guarantee for the safety of cargo and related personnel’s life and property. A safe transportation process can minimize the occurrence of accidents and losses.

2. Maintain the image of the aviation industry: Safe and reliable cargo services are an important part of the image of airlines. Only by ensuring the safety of cargo transportation can we win the trust and praise of customers.

3. Promote industry development: A safe and stable air cargo market can attract more customers and investments and promote the continued development and growth of the aviation industry.

In summary

Air cargo safety is an important support for the development of the aviation industry and is of great significance for ensuring cargo transportation and industry image. Airlines and relevant departments should strengthen safety management to ensure the safety and reliability of the cargo transportation process.

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