Why is my international shipping so expensive?


In recent years, many people have been confused and dissatisfied with the high international shipping costs. Why is international shipping so expensive? This article will analyze the reasons for the high international shipping costs and explore the deep-seated factors.

international shipping

Why is my international shipping so expensive?

The high international shipping costs are closely related to the chaos of the global supply chain. With the recovery of the global economy and the continued growth of e-commerce, retailers are in urgent need of replenishing their inventory, but are facing the dilemma of supply shortages and shipping delays. Many shipping companies are in trouble because of the backlog of orders and are unable to deliver goods in time. In addition, in the second year of the outbreak, the shortage of containers has become more serious, and international shipping has slowed down further, causing container prices to soar. The combined effect of these factors has led to a rapid increase in international shipping costs.

1. Global supply chain chaos: Affected by the new crown epidemic, the global supply chain is in chaos. From production to transportation, all links have been affected, resulting in rising transportation costs.

2. Retailers have difficulty replenishing inventory: Due to supply chain problems, many retailers have difficulty replenishing inventory in time. In order to ensure the timely arrival of goods, they have to choose more expensive transportation methods, which increases freight costs.

3. Shipping companies have an order backlog: Due to the surge in demand, shipping companies have an increasingly serious order backlog. Many cargo ships are forced to stay at ports waiting to unload, resulting in longer shipping cycles and higher freight costs.

4. Container shortage: The continued growth of e-commerce has led to a shortage of containers. The shortage of supply has caused container prices to soar, further pushing up international freight costs.

What impact will high international freight have on the economy?

High international freight may have the following impacts on the economy:

1. Rising commodity prices: High international freight will increase the cost of transporting goods, which in turn will drive up commodity prices. Consumers may have to pay higher prices for goods, affecting their purchasing power and consumption behavior.

2. Increased production costs: For manufacturing companies, high international freight means increased transportation costs for raw materials and parts, and higher production costs. This may lead to reduced corporate profits, affecting their competitiveness and development.

3. Trade restrictions: Some countries may take trade restrictions, such as raising tariffs or limiting import quantities, to protect domestic industries due to high international freight costs. This may lead to increased trade frictions and trade disputes.

4. Slowing global economic growth: High international freight costs may affect global trade activities, which in turn has a negative impact on global economic growth. In the long run, this may lead to a slowdown or even recession in global economic growth.

international freight costs

How to deal with the challenge of high international freight costs?

In the face of the challenge of high international freight costs, we can take the following measures to deal with it:

1. Optimize supply chain management: Strengthen supply chain management, improve the transparency and flexibility of the supply chain to cope with uncertainty and volatility.

2. Diversify transportation modes: Diversify transportation modes, such as land transportation, sea transportation, rail transportation, etc., choose the most economical and efficient transportation mode, and reduce transportation costs.

3. Strengthen international cooperation: Strengthen international cooperation, promote rules and standardization in the field of international transportation, and promote the coordination and stable development of the global transportation system.

4. Improve technology application: With the help of advanced technologies such as information technology and the Internet of Things, improve transportation efficiency and transportation safety, and reduce transportation costs.

5. Optimize trade policies: Formulate open and inclusive trade policies, reduce trade barriers and trade frictions, and promote the liberalization and facilitation of global trade.


By optimizing supply chain management, diversifying transportation modes, strengthening international cooperation, improving technology application and optimizing trade policies, we may be able to alleviate the problem of high international freight costs and promote the stability and sustainable development of global trade.

In the face of this problem, we need to work together across borders to find solutions and jointly address challenges in the global transportation field to promote the prosperity and stability of the global economy.

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